PIVOT | Personal Stylist For Men + Men's Fashion Coach

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How to Dress Better for Men: Dressing Up vs Dressing Well

Let me be the first to say I'm not here to pass judgment on what this guy likes to wear. I believe you should wear whatever the hell you want as long as it makes you look good and feels comfortable to you.

But, what our little style grommet doesn't understand is that dressing UP does not equal dressing WELL.

I see this a lot.

Guys will reach out to me and say things like, "I want to look better, but I'm just not really into wearing suits."

Cool, neither am I.

I've seen men dressed formally in suits who look horrendous.

I've seen men dressed casually going to the beach who look incredible.

Looking good has nothing to do with the formality of your clothing.

It has everything to do with the way the clothes work for you...

Do the colors enhance you? Do the items flatter your body? Are they in a style that you like that pairs together?

Anyone can wear a cheap suit all the time. It takes skill to develop a solid wardrobe of great clothing where you look good no matter what you're doing.

Ideally, at every level of formality, you look awesome. From the gym to the boardroom, you have things handled. Which is what I do for clients.

Your goal should be to dress well for the occasion. Nothing more.

Hitting the target of formality is its own skill. It shows you're style competent - that you can take social cues as to what you should wear and adjust accordingly.

Shooting too high can be just as dangerous as shooting too low, although, if we had to choose, I'd rather be in a suit than in pajamas.

The skill is in hitting the right level of formality for what you're doing, and THEN putting together the best possible items for that level that make you look good.

So let this email serve as a quick reminder that your goal is simply to look great for the occasion.

Remember, dressing UP does NOT equal dressing well.

Hit the target.

You don't want to be the guy wearing a tuxedo to the barbeque.

Apply for a Style Strategy Call with me here to discuss your goals, get advice, and learn how the program works.
