PIVOT | Personal Stylist For Men + Men's Fashion Coach

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My accountant once told me - "I think it's great what you do for guys, but for me, I don't care about clothing - I'm not vain."

His thinking is nothing new in our world. Men tell me they don't want to get into the style game because they feel like it doesn't matter or that it's vain, or some other arbitrary reason.

What they don't know is that they're already playing the game; they just fail to realize it.

Every day you wake up, think about what you're going to wear, put on clothing, and people judge you based on that clothing.

This is the game.

Barring some circumstances where you're bedridden, we're all in the game every day. For some people, they look good when they play, and for others, they don't, but either way, we're all playing.

Saying style doesn't matter is ignorant. It's the equivalent of standing in the middle of a soccer field during the World Cup in a stadium filled with fans, at the same time stomping your feet and declaring the game isn't happening.

Just because you don't acknowledge or don't know the game exists doesn't mean it's not being played.

I find guys break into categories:

  1. You don't know the game exists (A child wouldn't understand the implications of clothing yet, much like they don't understand the importance of finances or table manners yet).

  2. You don’t acknowledge the game exists (Usually someone who says style is unimportant).

  3. You play the game poorly (Those who know it's something that matters but choose to do nothing about it).

  4. You play the game well (People who know it's something that matters and choose to look good).

Those are the only options. None of which change the fact the game is being played regardless of your beliefs about it.

So since you're playing, you may as well learn the rules and play it well.

This is what the virtual consulting package does for my guys - where you work with me 1-on-1 to improve your appearance.

Learn more at the link above, or if you want to talk about it with me to see if you're a good fit, you can schedule something a chat with me here.

Just remember, win or lose, you're always playing.

Welcome to the game.

Much love,