Advertising & Partnerships
PIVOT is a unique brand and a labor of love for me. As one of the leading men's image consultancies in the world, I truly care about what I offer to my guys. My job depends on it...
I am constantly on the hunt for incredible products I can recommend to men, both through the blog, as well as during my personal consulting and coaching work.
I love working with brands and partnering with others who share the same sense of quality and commitment as I do.
1. Product Review
As I previously stated, I'm always on the hunt for quality offerings. If you would like to send over a sample product, please use the form below. Your product should be related to men's style, grooming, fitness, or lifestyle. Submission of a product in no way guarantees any review or feature on this site or recommendation to any client. Period. If your product matches the brand criteria I personally will test it and notify you of inclusion.
2. Content Collaborations
At the moment I do not accept guest blog posts. If you are a media outlet, or content creator looking to collaborate on a project, please use the form below.