3 Easy Tips to Match Style Effortlessly

A lot of guys have trouble pairing stuff, and it’s one of the most common complaints they have when they get on a call with me when they're ready to improve their style.

They feel overwhelmed by options, and when they try to put one thing with another, they don’t know what they’re doing.

So today, I’ll give you three super simple but slightly unconventional ways to do it:

Stick to One or Two Brands

The first strategy is buying most of your items from the same one or two brands.

Every clothing brand has a particular aesthetic they aim for - preppy, rugged, rock n roll, etc. You can even see that just by looking at their stores.

Take a look at the difference between a Polo RL store and a John Varvatos store. Notice how they each have a different aesthetic and wouldn't pair well together. However, everything inside of each store looks cohesive and would pair well.

Polo RL Store

The trick here is that everything in the same style archetype will pair together easily.

I liken it to how when you walk into a furniture store, such as Restoration Hardware, everything looks similar and cohesive. You could move all the pieces all around the store and it would still look right.

Brands do this intentionally. First, to attract a specific type of customer but also to allow you to buy a matching set of pants with a top and vice versa. They have an incentive to make sure things pair.

So, if you want to keep it super simple, find one or two brands you like and stick with them.

Simplify Your Color & Pattern Choices

The second is to limit the amount of colors and patterns you have in your closet.

The more complexity you add to an item, the harder it is to pair. Let’s use an example of a patterned shirt with lots of colors.

If we want to pair it, we have to make sure that the pattern and the colors of that pattern don’t clash with the other items you’re wearing.

If you find yourself here often, it’s best to just pair it with something neutral, like a white, black, or gray item.

In general, the more you want your items to mix well together, the less complex you need to make them. Plain colors and minimal patterns ensure everything pairs well.

Get Rid of the Clutter

The last tip is to get rid of a lot of your stuff.

For the guys in our in-person styling program, the first part of the day is spent with me going through their existing stuff and culling it - donating what doesn’t work, tailoring what needs it, and reworking/styling the rest.

What I find most times is that guys actually do have a lot of good stuff that would pair together well, it’s just lost in the mix of their closet.

They have so much stuff, stuff that’s worn out, stuff that doesn’t fit, stuff they just never got rid of, etc. that all the good items get lost in the mix.

If you cull all the bad stuff, you’re left with what works. And once you ONLY have what works, pairing things becomes easy.

You no longer feel overwhelmed looking at the closet trying to find things to wear. It’s all on the menu and it’s all good.

Pull the weeds. That way, you can ID the stuff you like and what works easily, and then in the future, it makes it easier to fill the gaps too.

So, in summary, find a brand or two you like and stick with it, when you find it the majority of your stuff in neutral colors and minimal patterns, and then once you got the good stuff make sure it’s not getting mixed it with the junk that needs to go.

Hope that helps.

x Patrick

P.S. if you want us to handle all of this for you, helping you understand what actually looks best on you - the right colors, fits, and brands, helping you get rid of the bad and add in and rebuild with only great items you love...

You can check out what it looks like to work together either online or in-person.

If you’re curious, schedule a call with me. It’s free. We’ll talk through what you’re looking for help with, I’ll give you tips and directions on where to go right now to improve your style, and then, if you’re a good fit, I’ll show you how we can help you.

Patrick Kenger

Patrick Kenger is an award-winning personal stylist for men and the founder of PIVOT Image Consulting. For the past 10 years, he has worked to make style easy and efficient for men across the globe. You can find him regularly in the WSJ, NBC, CNN, Men’s Health, and more.




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