Right now, a lot of us are coming working on our new years resolutions and setting goals for the future. Eat a healthier diet, exercise more per week, travel to new places, etc. Your goals may even include working on your wardrobe and learning how to dress better.

In any case, I've always found that the best way to achieve a goal is through subtraction, not addition.

It seems we're always trying to add more complexity to our lives in order to reach our goals.

Let's say you have a goal to lose 20 pounds. A lot of people would start by thinking about the new gym they'd have to find, the different foods they'd have to buy for their weight loss diet, and finding the right supplements and athletic attire to help them along their journey.

But what if, instead, you simply skip breakfast for the next month? You intermittently fast your way to your goal weight. You still eat the same foods and exercise the same amount; you just subtract some food from your day. You reach your goal but with a lot less complexity.

This is the process of reaching your goals by subtraction, not addition.

Let's say your goal this year is to improve the way you look and dress better.

Most guys will start with addition. They think their style woes will be solved by getting one or two flashy shirts and calling it a day. And they continue to add and add and never get the results they're looking for. I've seen this with nearly all of my clients for almost a decade.

Instead, this year, let's try starting with subtraction.

First, get rid of anything you haven't worn in a year or that you just dislike because of the fit, color, etc. This is so vitally important, but no one does it.

You'll clear out the clutter, which will then allow you to see how much stuff you actually like to wear. This will help you identify gaps in the wardrobe that you can then fill with better items.

It will also motivate you to start getting new clothing as you dwindle down your options; however, you'll also see how you likely had far too much clothing to begin with.

Finally, cleaning out the wardrobe will also make creating outfits easier as you're no longer sifting through mediocre options to get to the good stuff. We want it all to be good stuff. We want to work you towards having a closet full of options you like rather than just one small section.

Before you plant the garden, you have to pull the weeds.

Then, once you identify what you don't have, you can slowly add in better versions of those items.

This is always where I start with my clients, both in my in-person programs and online programs.

Go spend some time in your closet. Cut the fat ruthlessly. It will start you off with a clean style slate in 2023.

And if you're looking for help knowing what to get rid of, what to buy, and how to put it all together, all personalized to you, the Virtual Style Transformation program with me 1-on-1 should be your first stop in your pursuit of looking better this year.

I hope you’re having a wonderful start to the year, my man.


Patrick Kenger

Patrick Kenger is an award-winning personal stylist for men and the founder of PIVOT Image Consulting. For the past 10 years, he has worked to make style easy and efficient for men across the globe. You can find him regularly in the WSJ, NBC, CNN, Men’s Health, and more.

