Shallow End of Pool

One of the most limiting factors you will deal with when looking to improve your style is always swimming in the shallow end, refusing to venture deeper. But the deep end contains everything you need to look the way you want...

With some of the men who come to me, I see them get stuck in the shallow end financially.

Most guys will only shop at a few very cheap brands (and then subsequently complain about them) and refuse to spend what is actually necessary to transform their style and wardrobe.

If this is you, realize that you are closing yourself off to a lot of potential stuff you’d love, because you are only accessing a small part of what’s offered in the world of menswear.

If you are only willing to spend a small amount, that limits the amount of brands you can buy from. If you're only willing to spend x amount on an item, you've just closed the doors to brands that might charge more but produce something you'd really love.

Some of your potentially new favorite items are sitting locked behind closed doors because you aren’t willing to drop a little more cash to acquire them.

The even sadder part here is that you will likely spend around the same amount of money over time as you would if you had just done it right the first time.

When you swim in the shallows, you continually buy the same stuff you don’t really like that wears down quickly, and then you continue to replace it, filling your closet with mediocre or downright awful stuff that you don’t even like.

Instead, you could have had your closet filled with items you love had you spent a little more than you’re used to, and they would last you a much longer time.

Your hesitation to spend money on clothing might not even be your fault. Maybe it was something instilled in you as you were growing up.

I see a lot of guys that aren’t even aware of what clothing actually costs.

To put things in perspective, I have clients who don’t spend less than $10,000 per suit and have come to me with a budget of $100,000 for a one-day consultation experience with me.

Is that excessive? Sure. The majority of my clients budget around $5–10k for a full wardrobe transformation. But I’m bringing this up to show you that you may have no idea what clothing actually costs.

If you’ve only been eating off the McDonald’s dollar menu, you’re likely to be shocked at the prices of even a mediocre chain restaurant.

If you want to improve your style and you’re not seeing progress, it’s likely because you’re not digging deep enough. You have goals, but you’re not spending enough to achieve them right now.

If you’ve hit that wall, then it’s time to start moving away from the shallow end and go a little deeper. Spend a bit more per item, but buy less - only the things you really love (and tailor them).

Stop shopping at the same stores and expecting different results. Instead, start buying from new places. If you’re used to only shopping at Macy’s, hit Nordstrom. If you’re only buying at Nordstrom, shop at Saks or Neiman Marcus, etc. Just go one level up with where you’re shopping and buying from.

Of course, when I’m working with a client, we’re always keeping everything within his budget, but we’re buying the best quality we can afford with that money while still getting everything he needs.

So, to sum it up, if you’re stuck, go deeper. You’ll get a greater return on your investment.

And, if you need help along the way, I’d be happy to see if you’re a good fit for some assistance from me personally - working with you one-on-one to get you the knowledge of what looks best on you and source you an incredible new wardrobe of stuff you actually love.

Schedule a time to chat with me here.

Have a great week ahead. Happy Holidays.



Patrick Kenger

Patrick Kenger is an award-winning personal stylist for men and the founder of PIVOT Image Consulting. For the past 10 years, he has worked to make style easy and efficient for men across the globe. You can find him regularly in the WSJ, NBC, CNN, Men’s Health, and more.


