Best Places to Buy Stylish Men's Clothing Online & In-Store

Stylish Men's Clothing

Recently, at the end of a day working with a client in person, we returned to his place to put his new stylish men’s clothing purchases in his closet. He was ecstatic about his new stuff and how easy the process was.

As we were putting his new items into the closet and organizing everything, his wife popped in.

She looked at the bags of clothing and, with a confused look, said, “Oh, it looks like you guys mainly went to department stores…” which was said in a tone that almost hinted at disappointment.

Internally, I chuckled a bit. This is something I see a lot…

People, for some reason, think that there is a secret to buying clothing.

They act like there is some hidden store that houses all the good stuff they don’t know about—as if there is an undisclosed boutique found at the end of a long garden maze guarded by angels descended from style heaven.

And that if they found such a “fashion Shangri-La,” all style woes would be solved.

It’s one of the questions I get asked most by men looking for free advice and beginner stylists - “So, where do you shop?” thinking they’ll uncover a secret style key that will change everything.

And they’re inevitably disappointed when I tell them the truth. “It depends”.

You see, there is no one-stop solution that works for everyone. It’s impossible to have a store that sells clothing that will fit ALL men, be within ALL budgets, and accommodate ALL style preferences. It simply can’t exist.

I’m sorry to disappoint. But the good news is, we can get pretty close.

The closest thing we have to that secret place?

Department stores.

Major department stores get a bad rap, and I can’t quite figure out why. If you’re rebuilding your wardrobe, they’re the best place to start shopping.

If you live anywhere other than New York (and even then), you have limited access to small and midsize stylish men's clothing brands. These brands simply can’t afford stand-alone stores in every city. Thus, department stores act as your intermediary.

Thus, department stores act as your intermediary, providing access to a curated selection of stylish men's clothing from a variety of high-quality brands you may not otherwise find locally.

With all of those different brands under one roof, there is a high probability you will find at least a couple that will work well for you in terms of fit, style, price point, etc. And the best part? You can try all these brands in one place, rather than driving from store to store with your fingers crossed that this next store will be the one.

I also like department stores because almost all mid to higher-tier ones offer alterations, typically at a reasonable price.

You can get everything you need tailored to fit perfectly using their in-house people. Pro tip: I get all our clients' alterations shipped back right to their doorstep, which is free. Do the same so you don’t have to worry about returning to pick up your alterations.

Third, department stores will house all types of items: hats, socks, watches, shoes, suits, etc. You name it, a department store will have it. You might even be able to pick up an air fryer with your new shirt. This allows you to build a complete wardrobe with a one-stop shop rather than having to bounce around.

Lastly, department stores are extremely customer-service-focused. This is most notable in their return policies. For example, Nordstrom has a flexible return policy with no time limit on returns or exchanges, and you can even return your stuff without a receipt.

To sum it up, department stores offer you the widest variety of brands, styles, fits, price points, and items, all of which can be tailored to you right then and there, with a lot of flexibility with returns.

To make this even easier for you, some of my favorites here in the US are Nordstrom and Bloomingdales, followed by Saks and Neiman Marcus for higher-end selections. Macy’s recently put a new CEO into the role, and apparently they have some plans for store improvement, so look to them in the future as well.

While a tiny little boutique feels like it will answer your prayers, you’ll likely be holding your breath. There’s no secret store that works for everyone, but if there were, it would look a whole lot like your local department store.

Hope that helps.

x Patrick

P.S. A couple of my clients and I were recently profiled in the Wall Street Journal. If you're curious what working together looks like, it can help give you an idea and some tips to improve your style.


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PIVOT In The Wall Street Journal