As we enter into 2023, it's a fun time to reflect and plan for the future.

We start making a list of resolutions and thinking through what we're going to do once the new year begins. For some of you, that might mean finally improving your style.

The problem I hear most from my clients is that they feel stagnant and dislike what they're wearing but have no idea where to turn or how to start digging themselves out of the rut they've created. Realize that right now; you're stuck because you've rarely taken a leap and tried something new. And the older you get, the more dug in you've become. I see it all the time. Most guys feel that they've been doing the same thing for so long that if they try something new, they're going to look silly.

I get that, but we must eliminate that thought pattern.

First, most people don't care about you and your clothing choices as much as you think; they're far more concerned with themselves.

Second, and most importantly, remember that we learn by trying things that push us outside our comfort zone or may even make us look foolish.

The reason a guy has style is that he usually went through a long period without it, testing various things before he found the stuff that he loved that made him look great. The guys who end up the most stylish are the ones who aren't afraid to look foolish as they figure it all out.

As an example, many people will start heading to the gym this coming January, and you can bet that there will be a lot of people there that have no idea what they're doing.

But, the ones who will end up with the best physique will be those who aren't afraid to push through looking a little silly as they learn a new training regimen, rather than quitting or, even worse, not starting for fear of looking foolish.

When we learn to walk, we fall over and over again until we do it. We look foolish right up until the point we don't.

To improve, you need to test new things. You might look a little foolish while you do it. That's all part of the process as you discover your style.


For 2023, try to make your style identity more fluid. You are never locked into one way of dressing, although it may feel like it.

Try a new item you wouldn't have usually picked out for yourself.
Walk into a store you've never been into.
Wear a different size and choose a different fit than usual.
Pick something in a new color you don't have.
Start throwing stuff against the wall until you see what sticks.

What you've done so far has gotten your style to this point, so if you're not happy with it, you need to change your approach.

If you want to look your best in 2023, ditch the old ways of thinking, shopping, and putting together outfits. Start fresh—what better time than now?

If you need help next year improving your style, give me a call here.

x Patrick

Patrick Kenger

Patrick Kenger is an award-winning personal stylist for men and the founder of PIVOT Image Consulting. For the past 10 years, he has worked to make style easy and efficient for men across the globe. You can find him regularly in the WSJ, NBC, CNN, Men’s Health, and more.

