Style & Grooming Articles For Men

Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

For The Love Of Loafers

Well, this article is a dead giveaway, isn't it? No need for an intro. I'm here to explain why I love the loafer and why you should too. Hopefully, with a bit of persuasive writing, you’ll add another (or your first) pair of loafers to the stable.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

Fast Fashion For Men - Zara vs. H&M vs. Uniqlo

So what is “fast fashion”? Well, it’s like fast food for your closet. It’s cheap, it satisfies a need, and it looks pretty good on a menu (model), but the quality isn’t all that great.

So, with all the choices you have in buying inexpensive clothing, where do you shop? I’ve tested multiple garments from each of these guys and I’ll give you a rundown on each brand and tell you where you should be shopping for your clothing if you’re on a budget.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

2018-2019 Menswear Trends To Try

Trends aren’t something we discuss much of around here, but it doesn’t mean I don’t pay attention.

Fashion is something you want to dip into slightly every so often when you find something that works for you.

These trends will give you just a touch of a fashionable edge without looking try hard. Best of all, they’re suitable for all ages.

If you want to look like you’re in the know without appearing try-hard, this is what you should be wearing…

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

How To Do Laundry: A Man's Guide To Washing Clothes

We talk a lot about the right kinds of fits, colors, and brands around here - but is that even useful if your stuff gets ruined by your bad laundry practices?

Learning to care for your clothing is a large part of your sartorial journey. If you learn to take care of your clothing, your outfits will look better and you'll save money over time.

It’s time to learn a skill most men don’t possess… How to wash your damn clothes.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

How To Simplify Men’s Style

A lot of the problems men have with style comes from too many choices. When you’re able to pick anything, what do you choose?

A little secret is that you can actually be more stylish by taking out items instead of adding them in. The fewer choices you have, the more likely you are to make a good one.

Here are a few of those items you can lose to ease the headache of structuring an outfit - at the same time, making you more stylish.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

Outfit Congruency: The Style Mistake You've Probably Overlooked

Outfit congruency. Heard of it? Neither have I. 

I’m fairly certain I invented the term.

Outfit congruency is the way all the pieces you're wearing should work in harmony to create an ideal outfit. These items could work together in terms of fit, color, texture, or just their general “vibe”. Ideally, they'll work together in more ways than one. 

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

The 10 Things to You Need to Know Before Going Shopping (Read This Before You Buy Anything)

We're coming up on the third anniversary of Pivot. It’s been such a blessing to do what I do for the men I work with.

In this time, I’ve learned a few things while working with my all-male client base. Particularly, I've learned a lot about their approach to shopping and buying clothing.

Sometimes, you just need to get out of your own way…

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

How to Dress in Your 40s: Fashion Tips for Middle-Aged Men

Once men reach their 40's and 50's, they tend to become stagnant in their style. Being comfortable in your clothing is important, but it shouldn't take precedent.

In middle-age, you're finished experimenting with your style, but you're not finished refining. What you should focus on now is timeless clothing that looks age-appropriate. Ditch the stuff you accumulated throughout your 20's and 30's that gets pushed to the back of your closet. Let's get that space working better for you, right now.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

The Master at Work: Watch Tom Ford Give These Men a Makeover

Tom Ford is the modern day king of cool.

Both Tom Ford the brand, and the person, exude confidence and sophistication without going over the top, or maybe just slightly so but you're not even mad at it. 

I came across these videos from GQ's Project UpgradeWatch the man work. You'll pick up a few tips and see into the mind of an iconic menswear designer...

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

Ask Pat #1: Shaving, Trends, Cologne and My Thoughts on Subscription Boxes

I really enjoy answering questions and working one on one with guys. I like to think that is the reason I’m not a huge Youtube sensation, lining the insides of my bespoke suit with advertising benjamins.

 However, there are some common questions that come up and the answers are pretty universal. So today, I put together a little FAQ cheat sheet for you gents.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

PIVOT + Runner's World Magazine

I recently worked on a piece with Runner's World Magazine to showcase my style when I'm working out and burning off my beloved carbs. 

If you want some tips on keeping things stylish while exercising, have a look at the article...

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

8 Intermediate Style Mistakes for Men(Part 2)

For the man that already has a handle on the basic fundamentals covered, it’s time to go a little more in-depth and really dial in your style. Read on to see intermediate-level men's style mistakes you should avoid.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

How To Organize A Man's Closet

As men, organization isn't always our strong suit.

The little nuances of clothing can be to detailed for our taste and our closets usually reflect this. We throw clothes about wherever and don't pay attention to how things should be ordered.

Sound familiar?

It wasn't until later on in life that I realized actually getting my closet in order made my life a heck of a lot easier. Getting dressed in the morning was no longer a chore. Finding a great outfit was easy.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

What a Men's Image Consultant Is and What They Do

So I run into this question from time to time. "What is it you do?" and it's kind of hard to fully define. I tell people I'm an image consultant and I get responses like

"Oh so you're in PR"... Sort of. 


“You’re basically a personal stylist”… Sort of.

"So you're like Hitch?"... Sort of. 

To help clear up some confusion, here is my attempt at telling you what it is I actually do and my consultation process.

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Style Patrick Kenger Style Patrick Kenger

Ten Must-Have Wardrobe Items

The great thing about the male wardrobe is that it can be broken down to the bare necessities and still keep you looking stylish. As long as the fits and the colors of your clothes are spot on, you can keep your closet relatively simple and still look great. It's one of the best parts of being a man...

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