Many guys tell me when referring to themselves, "Oh, I don’t have style" or, "I’m not stylish."

They say it as if it’s a personality trait, like "Oh, I’m not charismatic" or "I’m not funny."

The problem here is these men are making style an internal problem rather than an external problem.

They view it as an internal trait they lack rather than something external they can solve.

Fortunately for us, style is not a personality trait, as much as some would have you believe in a "You either you have it or you don’t" type of way.

When you look at someone, and you say they’re stylish, what are you looking at?

Your eyeballs are just observing a bunch of clothing.

What we view as "style" is merely a collection of items you put on your body.

You can’t have style without the clothing.

This is good news. It means "style" isn’t something you lack internally. It’s just the clothing you lack externally. External vs internal. That’s how you should focus on gaining style.

It’s the same with success in any area.

Let’s use fitness as an example. You don’t need to be "good" at fitness to be in shape. You simply need to commit the actions that lead to a fit body (eating less, moving more).

To become stylish, it just becomes a challenge of sourcing the right items.

You are neither stylish nor unstylish. You are simply a person who has good-looking clothing or who doesn’t.

So start sourcing. All to have to do is buy the right items, and then, like magic, every time you put on clothing, people think you have the impossible wizardry of style.

Of course, buying the right items from the right brands is a challenge, but you can get help with that.

It’s something I do here for clients, sourcing the products that will fit their body best, in the right colors, from quality brands, all around their budget.

If you want help with that, you can check out the virtual consultation program with me here, where you work with me 1-on-1 to get yourself looking as best as possible.

Either way, never utter the words that you are unstylish again. It puts you in a position where you’re handicapped and think looking good is out of your grasp.

Instead, think, "I just don’t have the right physical clothing items right now that make me appear stylish," and commit to taking actions to rectify that.

Go forth and source the good stuff.

Hope this helps.

x Patrick

Patrick Kenger

Patrick Kenger is an award-winning personal stylist for men and the founder of PIVOT Image Consulting. For the past 10 years, he has worked to make style easy and efficient for men across the globe. You can find him regularly in the WSJ, NBC, CNN, Men’s Health, and more.


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